martes, 29 de enero de 2013


Unit 4 of  Footprints 3 is about possessions, we are learning how to express possession with HAVE GOT.


Here you have some EXAMPLES using the vocabulary of Unit 4:
- I have got a torch.
-You have got postcards.
- It has got a frisbee.

- I´ve got a mobile phone.
- She´s got a CD player.
- We´ve got stamps.

-They haven´t got key rings.
-You haven´t got a camera.
-He hasn´t got an MP3 player.

- Have you got a watch?       -Yes, I have.
- Has he got kite?                 - No, he hasn´t.
- Have they got stickers?      - Yes, they have.       

                                Now, here is a GAME to practise what you have learnt: